Sneeze Guard Protection Still Relevant

Whilst the Government is removing COVID-19 restrictions, there is still much uncertainty on the path the pandemic will now take in the UK.

It is likely that COVID-19 will become a predominantly winter seasonal illness with some years seeing larger levels of infection than others, just as we have experienced and lived with flu for many decades. According to the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), living and managing the virus will mean maintaining the population’s wall of protection and communicating safer behaviours that we can all easily follow to minimise any future risk.

Employers and businesses across all industries have already taken significant steps over the pandemic to fight the risk of COVID-19 in the workplace. The Government has now lifted the majority of legal requirements on businesses and is now handing over the responsibility of safe working to employers.

Here at Diamond Office Furniture, we are big fans of the sneeze guard, these simple and cost effective screens prevent spray and spittle from the nose and mouth getting too airborne and landing on people and surrounding surfaces. They act as a shield, another protective barrier from widespread viruses including COVID-19, flu and colds. Taking control of slowing the spread of viruses is vital in the workplace as one single germ can multiply into more than 8 million in a 24-hour period and that’s why sneeze guards are so valuable and popular with business owners. Regular sanitising of areas is also important as germs can live for up to 72 hours on some surfaces.

Sneeze guards and desk screening continue to be in high demand as the UK working population makes its way back into the office. They will be a permanent fixture in most office environments whilst we learn to live with COVID.

In order to minimise the spread of germs and keep your staff safe, the provision of sneeze guards and other screening options are critical, especially for people who work in one static area and in an open-plan configuration. If a hot-desking rota is in operation, then rigorous disinfection of all areas and screens must be undertaken to prevent any germ spreading in a shared space.

If as a business you feel unsure about how effectively you will be protecting your staff when they return to work, then our experienced team at Diamond Office Furniture is on hand to give you the planning and purchasing support you need. By arranging a mutually convenient time, we are happy to visit your working environment and assess your space with you. As space planning, office furniture and accessories experts, we will assist you in the reconfiguration of your office space and the installation of sneeze guards and screening options that will keep your employees safe.

Give Diamond Office Furniture a call today and we can discuss the right sneeze guards and screening partition solutions for your office and help reduce the spread of all airborne viruses for a safer working future.

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